Ongoing workshops: poetics of movement 2024: -September 14, October 26 | CANALDANSE au studio DTM. 6 rue Folie-Méricourt, Paris 11ème.
2025: -April 28- May 2 | MICADANSE. Paris, France.
Nous aborderons l'improvisation et la composition instantanée comme un espace d'expérimentation en termes de recherche formelle, esthétique et expressive.
Next Show: the flight of the iguana project - August 9, 11 | Brigueuil. France. - October 25 | Centre Mandapa. Paris. France.
This choreographic proposal is rather personal, feminine and intimate, filled with situations that go from violence to delicacy, and from fragility to resistance and nourished by Federea's sound.
Next Show: móvil intangible - August |Sala TET. National Dance Company of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela. Remake of the work carried out in Ecuador in 2020.
Next workshops: dramaturgias en la danza objeto, texturas y materialidades - November 2-December 21 | UARTES. Guayaquil. Ecuador. Guest Professor University of the Art. Guayaquil, Ecuador
Next Show: no title - December 21-22 | UARTES. Guayaquil. Ecuador.
Work that will be carried out with the 10th generationof dance students at the University of the Arts. Guayaquil, Ecuador